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Buck Rubs –

It’s that time of year again – red and yellow leaves, pumpkins, and finding deer sign in the woods. The most obvious sign – buck rubs – are just another part of the fall.

A buck rub is when a male deer rubs its bony antlers against a small tree. It’s similar to how dogs pee on everything when they roam their yard or neighborhood. Deer rub trees to shed the velvet off their antlers, but also to mark their territory. I’m not sure if it’s more for does or other bucks, but it says, “A new buck is here.”

If you’ve ever seen a buck rub you may mistake it for porcupine sign. Porcupines nibble of the tender bark of young branches leaving them shiny and bare. It’s kind of hard to tell, but a porcupine marking looks like gnawing teeth bites, while a buck rub is smooth and fine.

It’s exciting to find one and know hunting season is just around the corner. Good hunters scout for them, as well hot game trails. That’s old-fashioned woodsmanship that goes little deeper than turning on the corn feeder.