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Spring Wildflowers –

Wildflowers are everywhere right now.  In some places they cover the ground like these yellow Bladderpods.  Wildflowers grow without being planted or taken care of by people.  They just grow all on their own on roadsides and pastures and wild places.  Many have great names too, like Mexican Hat, Indian Blanket, Bluebonnet, and Paintbrush.  I have seen whole valleys covered in Black-Eyed Susans.

Don’t these yellow flowers in the photo have a funny name – Bladderpod?  The fruit resembles a bladder whenever it dries out.  The “bladder” holds the seeds inside and if you shake it around it rattles.  They are a good seed crop for quail.

The wildflowers in the Hill Country of Texas are the best.  We go there once a year to see them.  Miles and miles of beauty.