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Whitetail Fawn –

It’s fawning season right now and these fragile babies are up and walking around from the start.  But pretty soon after the first lick bath, momma does tell their fawns to stay in a certain spot all day and hide until she comes back in the evening.

Once the fawn gets old enough it can go off on long days eating grass and plants.  That’s about the time they start losing their spots.  Just like in the movie “Bambi”, the fawn turns brown like an adult at the end of summer, about three months after being born.

Some people think when they find a fawn bedded down in the grass that its mother has abandoned it.  If people start to mess with fawns and try to “help them” the mother might not come back.  Fawns are almost completely scent-free to keep them hid from dangerous humans and predators.  If you ever see a fawn laying in long grass, enjoy the beauty of nature, but don’t stick around for too long.  Deer have been making it just fine without us for a long time…Papa would say.  Like most things, just let them be.