Spring Storms – This storm formation is called an anvil cloud. The severe storm inside it builds and builds until it gets so high that it flattens out on the bottom of the stratosphere. The stratosphere is about 6 miles high, so it makes the cloud look
Read more →Bees and Pollination – Bees are a keystone species. This means that the role they play in creation affects every other form of life. Bees are pollinators. Pollination is what happens when a bee flies from flower to flower, drinking nectar and collecting pollen. As they land
Read more →Oak Buds – Oak trees are the most plentiful tree species in all of creation. These spring buds are from a Post Oak in Texas. The Post Oak is very tough; it can grow in harsh, dry conditions. It is shorter and bushier than the more well-known
Read more →Mallard Ducks – Mallards are the most numerous species of duck in North America. If you see ducks, you can bet a mallard drake (male) and hen (female) will be in the mix. They need open water in winter, like the small patch on this lake that
Read more →Mule Deer Doe – This is a color photograph without any color. During a drought, and during winter, the entire landscape on the plains becomes almost colorless. So do the animals it seems, as this mule deer doe appears the same brownish-grey as everything else. But the
Read more →Turkey Vulture – Turkey vultures are scavengers, eating almost any dead animal’s carcass. Also called buzzards, they win no beauty contests in nature. They have a bald, red head that is tucked into a black-feathered body, and they have a sharp black beak to stab and rip
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