Archive for the Nature Category

Beaver Dam

Beaver Dam – This is a beaver dam on the Purgatoire River in Colorado. I love how the beavers have to weave together so many sticks in a watertight pattern, and how they work so hard at it. Beaver dams are great because they create beaver ponds,

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Monarch caterpillar

Monarch Caterpillar – Today I found this monarch caterpillar. Isn’t it beautiful? I love the yellow, white, and black stripes that wind around its body. Soon it will make its chrysalis and turn into a majestic Monarch butterfly, with beautiful black and orange colored wings. I wish

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Drought – Colorado isn’t very colorful is it?  This is a part of Colorado most people never see, the eastern flat and dry side of the state.  Just grass and ranches.  The only green things are cactus and yucca.  Do you see the tumble weeds on the

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Texas Bluebonnets

Texas Bluebonnets – These are Texas Bluebonnets but you probably already know that.  People talk about them a lot. I like them too.  They only grow in Texas just like this but they are a lupine which grows everywhere, just different kinds.  Colorado has mountain lupines and

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Whitetail Deer

Whitetail Deer – Here are some deer on my Papa’s ranch in West Texas.  They are called Whitetails.  It is springtime so they don’t have antlers anymore and the does are pretty fat and ready to have their fawns. Can you spot the bucks and the one

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Crawdads – Here are some crawdads I found in the river.  They have great camouflage, don’t they?  I found these in the Purgatoire river here in Colorado, but they live pretty much everywhere. I’ve spent a good part of my life hunting for crawdads in creeks and

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