Rio Grande Wild Turkey – The Rio Grande has the largest population and range of all of the North American wild turkey species. During the fall you can hunt turkeys at the same time as deer. The toms (males) usually stay together in big bachelor groups, while
Read more →Mexican Free-tailed Bat – Bats live in huge groups, called colonies, in caves or under bridges. Bat colonies fly out at night to catch their meals of bugs, especially mosquitoes. A bat can eat up to one thousand insects in a single night. Then they return to
Read more →Migrating Monarchs – Butterflies are wonderful creations. Of all the many types of butterflies, Monarchs are the king. They are big and floppy and both fly and float through the air when you see them. Right now you can find them all over West Texas because they
Read more →Tiger Salamander – Salamanders are small and somewhat slimy amphibians that live everywhere…even if you don’t see them. This species is called Tiger Salamander because it is black with yellow stripes just like a tiger. Their camouflage is pretty slick, huh? I used to have a pet
Read more →Bobwhite Quail Covey – Quail live in large families on the ground. This big group of quail is a called a covey. There can be as many as 50 or 60 birds, or as few as five in a covey. Mostly I see coveys of about 20
Read more →Tadpole – Tadpoles are the larval stage of frogs. Frogs lay their eggs underwater, which hatch into tiny tadpoles. They grow large flat tails so they can swim like a fish in their first underwater world, usually a big mud puddle in the Spring. Over time these
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