American Basket Flower – This purple flower is similar to several species of thorny thistles. Most people think it is just a bad weed when they see it from a distance. But unlike all those invading thistles that resemble it, the American basket flower is a native
Read more →Mockingbird – A mockingbird can reproduce almost any sound it hears in the wild. Some scientists believe they can then use the new ‘language’ to talk to other animals. I saw a mockingbird ‘coo’ like the female dove’s call, and three male doves rushed to the scene and
Read more →Funnel-web Spider – This spider builds a small funnel-shaped nest that is always hidden away in the dark shadows of a grass pasture or a tree. The spider is about the size of a quarter and super fast. The funnel area of the web traps grasshoppers and
Read more →Grizzly Bear – Grizzlies are huge, brown, and strong. Notice the claws on this mature sow. They are also great parents. They will do anything to protect their cubs from predators. Grizzlies are widely known for attacking humans, but this rarely happens. They only attack humans if
Read more →Badger – Badgers live in open prairies and the edges of woods and rocky canyons. They live in these habitats because there are lots of small animals available like mice, squirrels, and groundhogs. Badgers can dig easily in the soil to get to this underground prey. Badgers
Read more →Texas Wildflowers – This is highway 651 in Garza County, TX. It has been a rainy spring and the wildflowers are blooming and growing like crazy everywhere. Try and count all the different species near this road. Wildflowers have great names. There are at least six different
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