Archive for the Nature Category

Hummingbird Moth

Hummingbird Moth – These are big moths that look, act and sound like hummingbirds. When it feeds on the nectar of flowers it hovers in the air and makes a humming noise – which is how it got its name. I hear hummingbirds a lot because my

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Box Turtle

Box Turtle – These box turtles show up about everywhere. They cruise around taking their time and enjoying the landscape. They even blink slow if you watch them a little bit. They live everywhere that I have ever been. If I could be an animal, a box

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Dove Hunting

Dove Hunting – It is dove hunting season now, which is the first hunting season of the fall. I try and go dove hunting as much as I can and this is what the meat looks like. These are mourning dove breasts. The daily limit is 15

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Yucca – Yucca is a spiky bush that lives in the hot and dry plains of Texas and Colorado. These pretty white flowers can be put into a salad, or eaten right off the stalk. I eat them every spring and cows and horses do too. The

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Mississippi Kite

Mississippi Kite – These birds are very territorial. They will dive bomb you if you walk under their tree when they have young chicks. One time on a hunting trip my Dad and I walked under a tree and got dived on by the kite that lived

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Rattlesnake – Prairie rattlesnakes are a venomous pit viper snake. They are pit vipers because they have a heat sensing organ between their eye and nostril. By sensing heat they find and strike at their prey – which is primarily mice and rats and baby rabbits. Prairie

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